Horizon Imaging has worked on several projects over the years where our aerial photographs have been used as the backdrop to computer-generated models of buildings – something unheard of before the advent of powerful 3D modelling software. In every instance, these images have then been used to advertise properties that had not even been built.
On a recent shoot for a private client in West Sussex, Horizon Imaging worked with computer-generated-imagery experts, JA3D to provide aerial visualisations of a development of barns nestled on top of the South Downs. In the top image on the right, the barn furthest from the camera was part of the aerial photograph – but the two barns closer to the camera are entirely computer-generated.
Joe Alexander from JA3D explains the process involved:

“We met David from Horizon Imaging on-site to determine the best viewpoints to showcase the property to its full potential. We then produced a 3D model of the proposed buildings and landscape using CAD (Computer Aided Design) elevations and plans. Once we received the aerial photographs from David we then matched the viewpoint of our “virtual camera” to that of the photograph and blended the two together to show the proposed buildings set within the existing landscape. Finally we used high resolution textures and state-of-the-art software to add materials and realistic lighting so everything blended together seamlessly.”
This is the second shoot where Horizon Imaging has worked with JA3D to produce stunning aerial / computer-generated visualisations of properties before they have been built. The first project is shown in the second photograph on the right. Prior to that, Horizon Imaging also photographed a housing development in Devon from the air back in 2008 which also had computer-generated houses dropped onto it – 3D modelling software has evolved considerably since then as you can see!
Aerial photography using drones, and photo-realistic computer-generated models are both incredible applications of technology in their own right – but bringing them together has the potential to revolutionise property marketing.
Today we can offer eye-catching combinations of aerial photographs and computer-generated models. Software also exists today to create virtual ‘fly-through’ tours of entirely computer-generated buildings and cities. Tomorrow you might well be able to fly around a computer-generated model of a new house whilst actual aerial footage taken from a drone provides an accurate and faithful backdrop. Who knows where technology will take us next!