Well, after a long time in development, I’m very pleased to welcome you to our brand new website!
Taking the best bits from our previous website (which had been online since 2014), our new site is now fully responsive (meaning it scales intelligently depending on what device you’re viewing it on — be it a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone) and will have significantly more content added to it over the coming weeks and months.
Such content will include more landing pages for specific industries we’ve been working in, eg. construction, property, inspection, surveying, etc, more image galleries and more blog posts. Our blog system is now fully searchable too, based on tags or keywords which are listed down the left-hand side of the page. Simply click on a tag to view a list of all the blog posts that have ever been posted on that particular subject, eg. regulations, drone filming, or weddings.

A screenshot of the homepage of our new website, launched in February 2017
Our new website is part of a larger rebranding process which is now complete — a process which has included producing a brand new showreel, bringing you right up to date with some of our latest sample imagery and service offerings. Click on the play button below to watch our showreel — sit back, engage full-screen mode, turn up the volume and enjoy!
Our brand new showreel, giving you a quick introduction to the 6 core services we offer at Horizon Imaging
We hope you love the new fresh feeling of the Horizon Imaging brand, and as always, if you have any questions about the services we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 2017 is already shaping up to be another fantastic year, full of exciting new projects to tackle and new industries that we will be working in. Watch this space to stay up-to-date with our work, or simply subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page to receive our bi-monthly email newsletter.